Monday, July 27, 2020


Whoooo! So Facebook has this interesting application that lets you display on your profile a map of all the places in the world that you have been. As I might have mentioned, I have never been outside the country (unless you count Bermuda and the Bahamas, which I dont). This makes me very sad. Its hard to explain how incredibly jealous I get of friends who have traveled. I think its a particularly touchy subject because I feel.well, ashamed is the closest word I can think ofof the fact that Ive lived such a sheltered life so to speak, and when I gush over the fact that my friends have been to even the UK (of all non-exotic places, at least from our point of view), I feel the need to rush to my own defense, saying, No, you dont understand! Its not my fault Im this naive! Im sure some of you understand this feeling- its very, very uncomfortable to feel defensive about things outside your control. So I played around with that Facebook application yesterday, just to see how boring my travel experiences really were, and how little of world out there I actually know anything about. Places Ive been are highlighted in blue. (Also, this is clearly a very US-centric program, since it delineates the US states but for example, none of the regional divisions of China). Basically, the most interesting places Ive been are Disney World, Utah, and the Henry Ford Museum. But all thats about to change. First of all, Im spending spring break visiting Adelaide in France, with a 2 day excursion to Italy. Second of all, I was officially offered a job at Telefónica. If the name sounds Spanish, it might be because the office Ill be reporting to every day this coming summer is in MADRID. OhmygodImsoincrediblyexcitedyouhavenoidea! So basically, after 21 years of living on either the same street in New Jersey or the same floor of the same dorm at MIT, Im finally taking matters into my own hands and knocking off as many interesting places as I can in the next few months. Any suggestions for weekend travel while Im in Europe this summer? =) And hey, if I get into D-Lab next semester, maybe theyll send me to Africa

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