Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Designers handbags for women Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Fashioners purses for ladies - Assignment Example With the progression of time, the fashioner purses have developed ubiquity and ladies have moved from only satchels to creator totes. Both may be viewed as the equivalent by numerous yet for ladies, originator satchels are articulation of their style, their special picture and their demeanor. Originator totes have picked up prevalence in various pieces of the world remembering for Asia. Ladies are currently more alright with the creator satchels instead of simply calfskin purses. Fashioner purses are the main selection of ladies with regards to choosing among satchels and for the very explanation Luxurious has planned to give the clients an elite scope of creator totes in Asia. These creator satchels offered to the clients are remarkable and not the same as others in the market and due to their uniqueness in style they are enjoyed by an enormous number of ladies. With the capability of the market and expanding request of the totes (Venugopal, 2010), this report investigations the chance of presenting one of the creator satchels offered by Luxurious in Indian Market. Indian Market is one of the most worthwhile and exceptionally likely markets for purses (Venugopal, 2010) and in this manner this report investigations the positives and negatives of the Indian market and how productive Luxurious can be on the off chance that it presents its satchels in the Indian Market. With the expanding rivalry in the originator satchels industry, there are various elements that impact the customers to purchase the tote. Plan despite the fact that has consistently remained the most significant factor, yet the cost has likewise had a significant influence to urge the purchasers to purchase the item. Lavish satchels in India would be offered with serious and entirely sensible costs and this has been anticipated as the principle motivation behind why huge number of purchasers would be pulled in to utilize the results of Luxurious. The serious cost of these Luxurious fashioner satchels would be useful in increasing more consideration as ladies are partial to gathering originator totes yet because of the significant expenses a large number of them can't manage the cost of such packs. There are number of variables that would assist Luxurious with being effective in India and a portion of the central point incorporate; profoundly populated nation, request of extravagance items including totes, buying intensity of India, and culture of India and so forth. Rich can enter the market of India and it can open up its outlets in the Indian market and simultaneously offer its items online too. This choice depends on the way that the buying intensity of clients has extraordinarily expanded because of which the interest for quality creator totes have expanded and the pattern of online deals have additionally been expanding. Foundation India being one of the quickest developing economies of the world has a lot of potential than different markets of the world. The ladies in this district are more disposed towards architect totes than some other neighborhood purses accessible to them. The rising salary is another factor because of which the interest for the fashioner satchels is favored over straightforward and neighborhood purses. The fundamental motivation to choose this locale over others is the likely development and openings that could be benefited in this market. India is rising as one of the creating nations on the planet. The planner totes industry in this nation is improving despite the fact that request globally has been diminished in view of downturn. With the ascent in the salary level in India, an ever increasing number of ladies are expecting to buy planner satchels. The market has incredible potential for architect satchels as design industry in this

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Simone Weil regards Christianity as a religion for slaves. What does Essay

Simone Weil views Christianity as a religion for slaves. What does she mean by this, and is it an advocated guarantee - Essay Example universe great exceeds evil†¦ Thus the object of this certitude is an everlasting and all inclusive administration establishing the foundation of a constant request on the planet. Jumping Providence is never spoken to in any other structure, except if I am mixed up, either in the holy messages of the Chinese, the Indians, and the Greeks, or in the Gospels. She accepted that such pseudo-widespread strict thought was essentially changed by the Romans in their novel and odd acknowledgment of Christianity, with noteworthy results: â€Å"†¦ when the Christian religion was formally received by the Roman Empire, the unoriginal part of God and of Divine Providence was pushed out of spotlight. God was transformed into a partner of the Emperor.† Weil accepted that the thoughts of patriotism of the Jews and the Romans were the sameâ€both were merciless, profane, and skeptic, both bolstered the abuse and oppression of the second rate by the unrivaled. Related with this equality of viewpoints was a common topic in the otherworldliness or love of the two gatherings. Both the Romans and the Jews, paying little mind to their dissimilarities in different viewpoints, had a comparative thought of servitude, fundamental to the cosmological convictions of the two individuals. The Jews accept that: In the writings dating from before the outcast, Jehovah’s juridical relationship to the Hebrews is that of ace to his slaves. They had been Pharaoh’s slaves: Jehovah, having removed them from Pharaoh’s hands, has prevailing to Pharaoh’s rights†¦ He arranges them indifferently to do great or insidiousness, yet unmistakably more regularly malevolent, and in either case they need to obey. It makes a difference little that they ought to be made to obey from the basest thought processes, gave that orders are properly executed. As to the Romans, â€Å"Such an origination as this was actually on a standard with the sentiments and insight of the Romans. With them subjugation had sabotaged and corrupted all human relations.† Therefore, Weil asserted, notwithstanding the

Monday, July 27, 2020


Whoooo! So Facebook has this interesting application that lets you display on your profile a map of all the places in the world that you have been. As I might have mentioned, I have never been outside the country (unless you count Bermuda and the Bahamas, which I dont). This makes me very sad. Its hard to explain how incredibly jealous I get of friends who have traveled. I think its a particularly touchy subject because I feel.well, ashamed is the closest word I can think ofof the fact that Ive lived such a sheltered life so to speak, and when I gush over the fact that my friends have been to even the UK (of all non-exotic places, at least from our point of view), I feel the need to rush to my own defense, saying, No, you dont understand! Its not my fault Im this naive! Im sure some of you understand this feeling- its very, very uncomfortable to feel defensive about things outside your control. So I played around with that Facebook application yesterday, just to see how boring my travel experiences really were, and how little of world out there I actually know anything about. Places Ive been are highlighted in blue. (Also, this is clearly a very US-centric program, since it delineates the US states but for example, none of the regional divisions of China). Basically, the most interesting places Ive been are Disney World, Utah, and the Henry Ford Museum. But all thats about to change. First of all, Im spending spring break visiting Adelaide in France, with a 2 day excursion to Italy. Second of all, I was officially offered a job at Telefónica. If the name sounds Spanish, it might be because the office Ill be reporting to every day this coming summer is in MADRID. OhmygodImsoincrediblyexcitedyouhavenoidea! So basically, after 21 years of living on either the same street in New Jersey or the same floor of the same dorm at MIT, Im finally taking matters into my own hands and knocking off as many interesting places as I can in the next few months. Any suggestions for weekend travel while Im in Europe this summer? =) And hey, if I get into D-Lab next semester, maybe theyll send me to Africa

Friday, May 22, 2020

Taking a Look at Diabetes Type 2 - 1108 Words

Module 6 Homework questions for this week Your written answers to the questions below are to be available to be sighted by your lecturer (not submitted to the School Office) at the start of the tutorial session. To be recorded as attending the tutorial requires that the lecturer deems that the worksheet has been satisfactorily attempted. 1 A person with type 2 diabetes may be treated with insulin as well as an oral hyperglycaemic drug. Discuss why this combination may be prescribed. Answer: The combination of Insulin as well as oral hyperglycaemic drugs may be prescribed for Diabetes because they help in lowering the blood glucose levels. However the primary treatment doesn’t consist of these drugs. The primary treatment comprises of Diet control, Physical activity and Weight control. If after following the primary treatment strictly, no improvement in the blood glucose level is achieved then medication is suggested for the same. Insulin helps in maintaining the blood sugar levels. Note that insulin is not to be taken orally because the acids and digestive juices in the stomach destroy it. It has to be injected under the skin only. Taking insulin leads patient to experience Hyperglycaemic condition. The Hyperglycaemic drugs helps our body to react appropriately with the insulin so that the insulin hormone is able to help transfer glucose from blood to the cells successfully. 2 Why are nerves often damaged in patients with diabetes mellitus, and what are some of theShow MoreRelatedDiabetes- Informative Speech outline Essay892 Words   |  4 Pages General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To inform audience of the signs you can look for and types of diabetes. I. Introduction A. Attention Getter:   Show of hands. How many of you all have or know someone with Diabetes? B. Reason to Listen:    According to the â€Å"2013 Fast Fact Sheet† from the American Diabetes Association, nearly 26 million children and adults in the United States have diabetes, which is nearly 10% of the U.S. population. *exact facts are: 25.8 mil and 8.3% C. CredibilityRead MoreEssay on Diabetes: A Different Way to Treat It595 Words   |  3 PagesDiabetes, often referred to by doctors as diabetes mellitus, describes a group of metabolic diseases in which the person has high blood glucose (blood sugar)1 . In 2011 The American Diabetes Association repoted a 25.8 million people in America living with diabetes 2. Diabetes is a illness that can be caused by the body not being able to produce enough insulin and or cells in the body not responding adequately to the insulin provided. Insulin which is produced by the pancrease, regulates the amountRead MoreAdult Obesity : Is The Biggest Public Health Challenges Facing Adult?1449 Words   |  6 Pageslead to a number of debilitating conditions including Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and stroke. Obesity is a rapidly increasing problem. According to Center for Disease Control and Prevention Fact sheet In the last ten years obesity has nearly trebled adult women and nearly quadruple d in men it now affects over one in five adults in the in United States. Central for disease and prevention, stated that the prevalence of Type 2 diabetes has increased dramatically in the last decade, primarilyRead MoreDiabetes Essay1414 Words   |  6 Pages http://libguides.luc.edu/c.php?g=49682p=321186 2. The prevalence of type II diabetes is increasing in the United States. In 2012, the incidence of type II diabetes in adults was 9.3 percent, and a higher prevalence of 25.9 percent was found in Americans older than 65 years of age.1 Worldwide, studies indicate that 220 million people have type II diabetes, and this estimate is expected to increase to 366 million by the year 2030. 2 Diabetes increases risks for cardiovascular and kidney diseaseRead MoreEssay about Impact of Diabetes on the Body 1656 Words   |  7 Pagespopulation, have diabetes†. Many Americans in the US have what is called uncontrolled diabetes, meaning where you don’t take of yourself with diabetes. This can cause you many different complications, including such as the Eyes, Stroke, Kidneys, Feet, HHSN, and Ketoacidosis. These are very serious and sometimes deadly. With daily exercise, healthy eating, and of course maintaining your diabetes you will live a healthy future. To start with, what is and how do you get diabetes? Diabetes is where yourRead MoreDrugs For The Patient That Has Diabetes Mellitus919 Words   |  4 Pagesavailable drugs for the patient that has diabetes mellitus. In December 2012, it was reported that there are merely 26.9 % of people aged 65 and above living in the United States has been diagnosed with diabetes. Also, it is stated that there are about 13.7 % of American ages 45-64 and 2 million people ages 20 and older have the disease. There are two types of diabetes; Type 1 depends on controlling the blood glucose and an insulin doses while people with Type 2 can be controlled by diet and exerciseRead MoreDiabetes Mellitus : The Topic Of My Research Paper870 Words   |  4 Pagespopulation, I chose Diabetes Mellitus as the topic of my research paper. Although very few people actually possess a detailed knowledge of the disorder, everyone knows at least one person who suffers with diabetes. I will attempt to further your knowledge on the subject through explanations of the types of Diabetes, how each form is treated, and day-to-day issues that result from living with the disease. According to the National Diabetes Information Clearing House (NDIC), â€Å"Diabetes Mellitus affectsRead MoreDiabetes Mellitus : A Disease1369 Words   |  6 PagesDiabetes Mellitus Diabetes is a disease that afflicts approximately 29.1 million American people and is ranked as the 7th leading cause of death in America (â€Å"Statistics About Diabetes†). Thus, understanding and studying this disease has the potential to help better many lives. A patient living with diabetes, or a parent of a child with diabetes all benefit from understanding and learning how to live with this disease, what risk factors to look for and how to adjust life style choices to help preventRead MoreA Brief Note On Diabetes And Non Hispanic Blacks861 Words   |  4 PagesDiabetes, which is also known as diabetes mellitus, is described as a group of metabolic diseases where a person has high blood glucose. This is caused by insulin production becoming inadequate (MacGill, 2015). In the United States alone almost 30 million adults and children have diabetes with around 86 million having prediabetes. This leading it to be one of the primary causes of death for 69,071 Americans eac h year. Studies show that Hispanics and Non Hispanic Blacks are at a higher risk of becomingRead MoreChildhood Obesity : A Global Epidemic1474 Words   |  6 Pagesincluding: low self-esteem, asthma, cancer, premature mortality, and type 2 diabetes (3). Once thought to be a disease that only affected adults who were overweight or obese a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes has become increasingly common in school-age children (3). In the past, school-age children were typically diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, also known as childhood diabetes (6). In recent decades, a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes in children has grown, with occurrence rates complementary to the rise

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Gender In A Doll’s House And The Importance Of Being Earnest

Gender In ‘A Doll’s House’ And ‘The Importance Of Being Earnest’ A Doll’s House and The Importance of Being Earnest were both written in the late nineteenth century at a period in time when gender roles in society were not only significant to the structure of society but were restrictive and oppressive to individuals. This was particularly true in the case of women who were seen as the upholders of morals in polite society and were expected to behave accordingly. A Doll’s House and The Importance of Being Earnest challenge society and its inclination to categorise and expect certain behaviour of individuals based on their gender. In its historical context A Doll’s House was a radical play which forced its audience to question the†¦show more content†¦She realises that she has been living with a stranger, since the whole marriage is a charade to fulfil the expectations of Victorian society. Nora’s refusal to stay in the marriage, however, does not give us a sense of a liberated woman. By the end of the play we are concerned for Nora as she leaves the warmth of the family home for the cold outside as a single woman since we have seen Christine so desperate to get into the ‘warmth’. This ‘warmth’ can be defined as being a person being accepted for fulfilling the gender roles which society constructs for both men and women. Women appear to be reliant on the existence of a husband in their life in order to have a respected status within society and therefore feel fulfilled. Christine feels unfulfilled without anybody in her life: ‘I only feel my life unspeakably empty. No one to live for anymore’ (9). Christine is an independent woman but we can see that she is unhappy at the fact that she has not met the social stereotype for her gender. She functions to show how difficult it is for a woman to survive on her own. Christine real ises she will be far more comfortable and regarded better by society with a husband and we believe that she feels that any husband will satisfy the expectations of her gender better than being single. This explains why she settles for a dubious moral character. Faced with only two possible decisions Christine settles for the lesser of two evils. A Doll’s House inShow MoreRelatedCompare and Contrast How Gender Roles Are Presented in the Importance of Being Earnest and a Doll’s House in Light of Ibsen’s Statement That â€Å"There Are Two Kinds of Moral Laws, Two Kinds of Conscience, One for Men and1252 Words   |  6 PagesCompare and contrast how gender roles are presented in The Importance of Being Earnest and a Doll’s House in light of Ibsen’s statement that â€Å"there are two kinds of moral laws, two kinds of conscience, one for men and one quite different, for women.† According to Ibsen’s statement, he states that moral laws are divided into two, one for women and the other for men. He’s claiming that the â€Å"moral laws† that society has implanted has double standards. Ibsen and Wilde present gender roles through moralityRead MoreGender in a Dolls House the Importance of Being Ernest2001 Words   |  9 PagesHow Is Gender Represented In ‘A Dolls House And ‘The Importance Of Being Earnest? A Dolls House and The Importance of Being Earnest were both written in the late nineteenth century at a period in time when gender roles in society were not only significant to the structure of society but were restrictive and oppressive to individuals. This was particularly true in the case of women who were seen as the upholders of morals in polite society and were expected to behave accordingly. A Dolls HouseRead MoreA Feminist Criticism A Doll s House1372 Words   |  6 PagesBarros 1 Diane Barros English 102 A1W November 11,2014 A Feminist Criticism A Doll House A Doll’s House, written by Henrik Ibsen examines the controversial point of persuasion of love and marriage that emphasis marital vows and women’s roles, during the nineteenth century. Where feminism lurks throughout the entire play. Through this play, I shall show you what I perceived what the writer Ibsen presumption of the equivalence among men and woman, and the idea of feminism. Where Women haveRead MoreEssay Prompts4057 Words   |  17 Pageson the Floss The Awakening Moby-Dick Billy Budd Mrs. Dalloway Bleak House Native Son Bless Me,Ultima One Hundred Years of Solitude Catch-22 Othello Crime and Punishment The Scarlet Letter The Crucible Slaughterhouse-Five A Farewell to Arms Song of Solomon Ghosts The Stone Angel The Great Gatsby The Stranger Heart of Darkness A Tale of Two Cities The House of Mirth Their Eyes Were Watching God Jude the Obscure 2003 (Form A): According

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Transitional Devices Free Essays

Transitional Devices (Connecting Words) Brought to you by the Purdue University Online Writing Lab at http://owl. english. purdue. We will write a custom essay sample on Transitional Devices or any similar topic only for you Order Now edu Transitional devices are like bridges between parts of your paper. They are cues that help the reader to interpret ideas in the way that you, as a writer, want them to understand. Transitional devices help you carry over a thought from one sentence to another, from one idea to another, or from one paragraph to another with words or phrases. And finally, transitional devices link your sentences and paragraphs together smoothly so that there are no abrupt jumps or breaks between ideas. There are several types of transitional devices, and each category leads your reader to make certain connections or assumptions about the areas you are connecting. Some lead your reader forward and imply the â€Å"building† of an idea or thought, while others make your reader compare ideas or draw conclusions from the preceding thoughts. Here is a list of some common transitional devices that can be used to cue your reader in a given way. To Add: and, again, and then, besides, equally important, finally, further, furthermore, nor, too, next, lastly, what’s more, moreover, in addition, first (second, etc. , To Compare: whereas, but, yet, on the other hand, however, nevertheless, on the other hand, on the contrary, by comparison, where, compared to, up against, balanced against, vis a vis, but, although, conversely, meanwhile, after all, in contrast, although this may be true To Prove: because, for, since, for the same reason, obviously, evidently, furthermore, moreover, besides, indeed, in fact, in addition, in any case, that is To Show Exception: yet, still, however, nevertheless, in spite of, despite, of course, once in a while, sometimes To Show Time: mmediately, thereafter, soon, after a few hours, finally, then, later, previously, formerly, first (second, etc. ), next, and then To Repeat: in brief, as I have said, as I have noted, as has been noted, To Emphasize: definitely, extremely, obviously, in fact, indeed, in any case, absolutely, positively, naturally, surprisingly, always, forever, perennially, eternally, never, emphatically, unquestionably, without a doubt, certainly, undeniably, without reservation To Show Sequence: first, second, third, and so forth. A, B, C, and so forth. ext, then, following this, at this time, now, at this point, after, afterward, subsequently, finally, consequently, previously, before this, simultaneously, concurrently, thus, therefore, hence, next, and then, soon To Give an Example: for example, for instance, in this case, in another case, on this occasion, in this situation, take the case of, to demonstrate, to illustrate, as an illustration, to illustrate To Summarize or Conclude: in brief, on the whole, summing up, to conclude, in conclusion, as I have shown, as I have said, hence, therefore, accordingly, thus, as a result, consequently, on the whole, How to cite Transitional Devices, Papers

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Inequality of Women in China

Traditionally, a Chinese woman is known to have lived a very tough life, through continuous humiliation from their men. No woman had a right to education, but they were supposed to live according to the Confucian guidelines. These guidelines stated clearly that women should not be equal to men, and during her childhood she should always obey her father and her male siblings.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Inequality of Women in China specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More A woman was not given any name in the family, but they were named numerically as daughter no 1, 2, or 3. Once they get married, women were supposed to act as slaves to their husbands. The women voices could not be heard anywhere in the family (Shaughnessy, 102). A Chinese man could have as many wives as possible, but a woman could not remarry if her husband died, and if she happens to remarry a death penalty would be given to her. The main activity o f a Chinese woman was to bear sons, and failure of which she was divorced. Some of the famous women who existed in traditional culture of china include, Empress Wu who used to challenge the guidelines that were meant to be followed by women, when she was the Empress ruling china. Her main theme was to raise the status of a woman in china. During her reign several temples and sculptures of caves were made until when she died (Chinnery 59). She also managed to come up with matriarchal rule in traditional china. The mother famous Chinese woman in those old days was Xi Shi, who gained popularity as she was behind the fall of Wu kingdom. After the king approved her beauty, she was taught noble manners and ordered to work closely with the Prince of Wu. Her heritage is remembered even today in china. Mulan took the responsibility of being a warrior. This was a non traditional role of a Chinese woman, although through it she manifested how powerful a Chinese woman can be in her activities. She managed to fight courageously and came back alive from the battle such that taking over her father’s role in war. This step acted as an inspiration to many young Chinese girls. The story of Nuwa who was also referred to as a beautiful and full of mercy goddess has some lessons of how a woman can be determined and hardworking. The mind of a woman here is portrayed to be beyond just what was expected by the Chinese men (Shaughnessy, 113). More than giving birth, a woman was portrayed by Nuwa as an equal human being who can achieve even more than men can do. To many Chinese girls, a lesson was learnt that a woman given a chance and freedom she can achieve many productive things. The reign of Wu Zetian was marked by several rules. Such rules included raising the status of Buddhism, preserving the 7 generations of that land ancestors, creation of a crown prince and placed the name of Wu on this prince. There was a time when she declined the request of Wang to promote Wu chengs i with the crown of a prince.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Also during her reign, Wang was beaten to death by her official just because she was angered by Wang visiting her too often (Chinnery 61). She enjoyed much the work of looking for the talented workers, and elevating their status as she knew these were the people to raise the status of the whole society for the benefits of all the citizens. The Confucian historians criticized the ruling of Wu Zetian because as she violated the normal tradition beliefs of a woman being a wife and not a ruler. In addition, she was criticized as she managed to form a secret police branch to enforce her in retaining her authority. Apart from elevating the status of a woman in the society, she brought more scholars into the central government. Yang Guifei was a typical figure for beauty, and her beauty made Huaqing Chi also famous as she used to ta ke her bath there. She is ranked among the four well known beauties in traditional china. Although the girl child was discriminated, her beauty changed the whole perception. During her time, parents stopped the act of favoring boy child only and started giving attention to girl child as well. It was a wish of every parent to have a daughter who was as beautiful as Yang. Due to her beauty, the king started falling in love with her and finally married her (Shaughnessy, 85). Due to her presence in the king’s palace, her people were all over as the government officials. Despite the fact that her people were not well educated and had bad manners they were the officials and her family became famous and very rich making other people very angry. Although she was the source of the world appreciating baby girls, she was considered to be the source of conflict and was hanged. The Tang Dynasty is considered to be the china’s greatest because of what was achieved during that period . The government operations were improved, technological progress was realized, and the improvement of the culture. This great dynasty started declining when Tang fell in love with concubine Yang, as he neglected much of his responsibilities and started delegating them (Chinnery 60). Tang concentrated much on the issues of this beautiful lady and the operations of his government started collapsing due to uneducated official who came to serve other citizens.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Inequality of Women in China specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Many people considered this lady as ruthless because of killing her own son, and they in turn associated her negative traits with Tang their ruler. The weakening of this great dynasty was associated with Tang because, if he concentrated with his work without delegating his responsibilities he would be keen and ready to meet the challenges of the rebellious groups. In the song dynasty, despite that women were on lower status than their men, there were several privileges that were to enjoy. The song dynasty continued to become more advanced day by day, and the parents started receiving large dowries for their daughters. With time, women started even owning some legal items. Women started getting education and passing the same to their offspring. Some women went to an extent of becoming literature writers and poets as well. The traditional Confucian family system came to an end during the song dynasty, and the Chinese women gained power over several things. At homes, a woman would now be allowed to make some decisions. Even if a woman failed to bore a son, there was no right to be divorced or be considered useless (Chinnery 56) Incase of death of the husband a woman had a right to remarry depending on her wish. Children were treated all the same whether it’s a boy or a girl. Right now, it can be the best time to be a Chinese woman as they k now their rights and no form of discrimination is imposed on them. In matters of investments, women have power to invest just as men as well as owning properties. In conclusion, a modern Chinese woman has evolved from an unbearable environment to what can be referred to as paradise. Such a tradition is unhealthy to any human being as it may be a cause of psychological problems due to inferiority complex. Gaining confidence by such a person in future may be a great challenge. Such traditions should be buried completely to give people equal chances in this Works Cited Chinnery, John. Family and Society. Beijing: Michigan press, 2003. Shaughnessy, Edward. China: Empire and Civilization. London: Oxford University Press, 2005.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This essay on Inequality of Women in China was written and submitted by user Hamza Fowler to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.