Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Police Misconduct And The Crime Essay - 1644 Words

Introduction In the last decade, publicized events of police violence have exploded. The force that was meant to serve and protect has become one of the most criticized groups in society. With more and more visibility of police misconduct in the news, people have taken up ideological arms against these biased actions. After the 2012 murder of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin and acquittal of vigilante George Zimmerman for the crime, #BlackLivesMatter became a call to action to stop the dehumanizing violence perpetrated against blacks. In response to this movement, #AllLivesMatter and #BlueLivesMatter have been cried out. They claim that Black lives aren’t the only ones that should be preserved, instead we should rally around protecting all lives. People hold entirely different views and interpretations of police misconduct. Purpose This review will analyze literature that explains perception on police misconduct and why certain perceptions and police misconduct itself occurs. I will therefore discuss the racial factors on both sides of police encounters: that of the citizen and the officer, as suggested by research. This review will also try to identify the gaps in the field of work and analyze studies’ methods of data collection. It will also explore how media forms and perpetuates perceptions. Categories of Police Misconduct Firstly, police misconduct is separated into four categories: verbal abuse, excessive force, unwarranted stops, and corruption (Weitzer, Tuch 2004).Show MoreRelatedPolice Misconduct And Criminal Crime3045 Words   |  13 PagesWhile police officers have many responsibilities, one of their primary duties is to protect and serve their community. Due to the power given to police officers and the stresses that accompany that power, police departments across time and the world have turned up some kind of police misconduct or corruption. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Company Fairwood Free Essays

The introduction, Section 1 , is followed by the Method section which describes how the research was conducted. The results of the research are presented in sections, Results and Discussion. The Conclusion is a summary of the results which were found. We will write a custom essay sample on Company Fairwood or any similar topic only for you Order Now 1. 2. -aground about Fair-wood- Firewood pursuing a â€Å"customer first, people-oriented† concept, listen carefully to the needs of customers, close to the diet trend in product innovation and continuous improvement, committed to providing quality and price of popular foods. With the intention of service and convenience stores, o provide customers happy dining experience. To enhance the brand image and competitiveness, Firewood in November 2003 costing HOOK $ 15 million were 360 0 reforms big action, creating a new brand image, including the replacement of the trademark, as well as innovative operations, restructuring and upgrading in-store men us environment. Famous designer Mr.. Chin Yoking more Firewood design a â€Å"leap into the sky humanoid doll† as the new brand logo, feeling energetic, highly motivated, so that customers feel young Firewood vitality, innovation and fun image. In addition, Firewood invited two internationally renowned interior designer Mr.. Liana Chitin and Mr.. Moratoria Christine pass hand in hand surgeon for Fair-wood’s branch redesign, renovation and every three years thereafter to inject new elements. Firewood is Hong Gong’s first fast food chain stores invite professional composers creative background music, but the first implementation of a â€Å"comprehensive smoking† policy, entered into a new standard for the fast food industry in the branch. Firewood has always been â€Å"customer first†, has introduced innovative products, quality ingredients carefully selected to enhance food quality. Ace mix more than 30 kinds of products, including spices, â€Å"A living curry†, a record level Of rich and unique taste; taste tomato sauce and use provoke high gluten pasta boiled â€Å"Extra Virgin Olive Oil Pasta Series,† and â€Å"baked pig Grilled rice â€Å"and† corn Roil meal. † Other innovations include â€Å"point not even drop MS† series, â€Å"grilled thick-cut black dolphin†, Japanese Ramee, etc. , to creativity is committed to meet the needs of customers. Services, Firewood pioneered the â€Å"personal service† so there is a need of the customer to enjoy room service. In addition, also implemented in all outlets â€Å"Accessibility Services†, adding removable seats and ramps, provided on behalf of other intimate meal and room service. For the practice of â€Å"people-oriented† concept, the Group in addition to continue to recruit outstanding talents, nurture a caring culture, offers a number of benefits for existing employees, such as children’s education fund, the purpose is to build a happy team, and create a fun dining experience, the â€Å"eat too Happy â€Å"mission to bring customers. Contribute to the community has always been one big happy corporate focus. Therefore, launched the â€Å"S 4 happy meal† campaign to benefit the needy, also held â€Å"Merry Fun Day† and â€Å"Charity Christmas party† to increase communication with community residents, promote social harmony and the spirit of helping each other, practice â€Å"Fresh happy, wonderful in† corporate mission. With â€Å"people† oriented We attach importance to communication between employees, care for each and every employee the ability to obtain satisfaction on the job, Establish continuous learning and improvement culture, providing a growing and learning space for every employee. Food was happy to be wonderful. † We are committed to creating fun dynamic work environment, with the establishment of â€Å"happy team†, the introduction of flexible working hours, to encourage employees to strike a balance in work and life, Our caring staff, payment of a special holiday gift, but also actively organize various recreational activities, such as: Merry giant sound, autumn barbecue, quarterly dinners, birthday parties, etc. From the establishment of happy team spirit and strengthen the sense of belonging to employees of the company. The opportunity to focus on individual play We passed a fair assessment, encourage employees to continue to learn and develop their potential and self-enhancement and, For outstanding employee reward and promotion opportunities, the fastest available 1. 5 years promoted from junior positions to store management. Improve job training We offer a complete range of diverse classroom and professional skills training, Encourage employees to lifelong learning, constantly absorbing new knowledge and enhance their professional skills, their talents, through continuous improvement and learning, get more rapid growth and rumination, For employees to make clear promotion ladder, clear and viable career development prospects. The award-winning Firewood received the following recognition and certainly in talent development and staff training: ERP â€Å"Manpower Development Scheme† Excellent Employer Award Distinguished Family-Friendly Employers â€Å"Caring† International Day of the 18 districts caring employer Training spirit – â€Å"Fresh happy, live a wonderful, Firewood† Training of personnel is the most important one Firewood ring, â€Å"continuous learning, development and self-enhancement potential and† is the goal of our velveteen team. To this end, the Group is committed to organizing in service training program for potential employees to provide diversified learning opportunities to equip individuals can play an unlimited potential. To help employees meet the challenges ahead, we have designed different job training, aspiring to broaden their horizons and enhance the confidence of employees to participate in order to absorb the required knowledge, Prepare for future promotion. Promotion ladder We through various training courses to provide advancement opportunities or staff to learn more about food production, customer service, expertise in- store health management, improve management capabilities. Promotion ladder courses ; 360 c comprehensive management course ; youth Management Course ; shop management training Skills upgrading training ; sales skills ; meal catering English response to training SF posts ; job skills certification To explore the potential of staff and the development of personal self- director. Every year we held: ; internal competition: [trials] most tip of the ring, some fighting Chefs ; provide scholarships to potential employees omelet management capabilities outside the course of professional organizations Value-added training To have caused to enhance the professional skills of the staff arrangements involved in cognitive Professional Certificate courses, including: ; catering computer unit certificate courses ; minority employees Cantonese training courses ; Health Manager ; Diploma in Business Management 2. Why we choose this company? We chose this business because it’s a well-known catering enterprises, of which a fast food store location is adjacent to our school sites, when we were n the field to collect data, can more convenient, and easy to collect detailed and the accuracy Of the data, so finally be able to successfully complete the report. 2. 1. Aim Firewood aims to establish a â€Å"happy team† so happy, happy employees will bring customers and dedication to bring customers a pleasant dining experience. Group and staff work closely together, with the practice of â€Å"eating too happy ; be wonderful† corporate mission. 2. 2. Operating guideline The management advocates balance between work and life, the introduction f flexible working hours, while employees hold different types of activities to strengthen employees’ sense of belonging to the Group. Group offers comprehensive in-service training programs for staff to enhance their professional skills and further develop their talents. The Group also provides a lot of opportunities for promotion and attractive incentives to reward performance excellence. 2. 3. Pros Cons Firewood is a large chain of fast food restaurants. Pros are with â€Å"people† oriented, â€Å"eating too happy to be wonderful,† focuses on individual play opportunity and improve job training. T need to improve the way people with disabilities to buy fast food, they can not require the help of other people can buy the fast food. The Fast Food Shop of the environment and facilities, can to facilitate disabled access. The Fast food shop of the equipment, so that they can easily enjoy better food in the shop. They really provide to a fast food shop accessible services. 3. Suggestion Human resources are one of the Group’s core assets. Labor shortage is one of the main challenges that the industry is currently facing and it is increasingly difficult to recruit experienced staff. To tackle this issue, Firewood has to step up efforts to attract talented workers by offering comprehensive staff development programs. 4. Method 4. Secondary source Some internet resources from Google together with data from recent reports from Government of Hong Kong were used as references. Online information was found with the most common Google tools. Their opinions and support provided valuable data for this report. There are 4 articles cited in the report. The 4 articles were useful to make the report easy to understand. It contains the questionnaire. Elect the internet search to finish my questionnaire. 4. 2 Pr imary sources 5. 2. 1 Subjects 20 local Hong Kong people were selected to answer the questionnaires. The respondents were aged from 20-50. No young children were interviewed, because most of them depend on their parents. Most are student in ours class Holmes Institute University. 4. 2. 2 Questionnaire The development of the questionnaire was multistage process in which a general theme was first given to each group. Each group brainstormed the theme to find a suitable subtitle for each member. Then, a first draft of the questionnaire was developed with some basic information. The basic information was found the internet. How to cite Company Fairwood, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Managing Food and Beverage Operation

Question: Discuss about the Managing Food and Beverage Operation. Answer: Introduction In the era of twenty-first centuries, the world of business changing in a very quick pace. This process makes it difficult for the business industries to keep pace with this change. Strategic planning is an important concept in this regard as effective strategies help to give the businesses the desired competitive edge over its competitors. On the other hand, strategic planning helps to analyze different aspects of business and the result of the analysis assists on taking effective decisions for the business (Smith, 2012). It is required for any industry to analyze the internal as well as external environments in order to gain a clear view of the current business position. The restaurant and bar industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Numerous numbers of restaurants and bars can be seen all over the Australia. The large number of businesses in this industry contributes to increase the competition among them. Here comes the need for strategies in order to get the competitive edge. In this regard, Porters Five Forces Analysis and the VRIO Theories are two of the most important tools for the managers of this industry to make the perfect strategies for their businesses. The main objective of this study is to assess how the VRIO Theory and Porters Five Forces Theory of competition can help the restaurants and bars in getting the long term competitive advantage and increase the profitability of their businesses. Porters Five Forces Model Analysis As per Porter, (2010), the analysis of the external environment of any industry is the foremost factor to make strategies for the organization. In this regard, Porters Five Forces analysis is one of the most important tools to analyze the external environment of the industry. There are five important factors in the Porters Five Forces analysis. They are rivalry among the existing competitors, threat of new entrants, threat of substitutes, bargain power of the suppliers and bargaining power of the customers (Dobbs, 2014). In case of the restaurant and bar industry, the managers need to analyze these five aspects for getting competitive advantage. Porters Five Forces Analysis is considered as one of the most practical and credible solution for competition. It is important for the managers to take into consideration of this model while preparing strategies for the business. Porters Five Forces Model is assessed in details below in relation to the restaurant and bar industries in Austral ia: Rivalry among the Existing Competitors: The restaurant and bar industry in Australia has been growing in a very fast pace and this process contributes to the emergence of numerous number retardants and bars in this country. Thus, it is important for the restaurant and bars to stay in the competition. In this regard, the managers of this industry need to find out the factors that are affecting the competitive rivalry. There are various reasons. Some of them are 1) the existence of large number of firms, 2) the slow growth of the market, 3) high fixed cost, 4) very high storage cost, 5) low switching cost, 6) low product differentiation 7) high exit barriers and many others (Rothaermel, 2015). All the restaurants and bars want to achieve the maximum market share in revenues and profits. The managers need to use some tactics to gain the long term competitive advantage. First of all, they should set a competitive price so that the particular company can be differentiated from the others. After that, the managers should introduce the some creative distribution channels to make the operations more creative. The most important tactics are to maintain a healthy relationship with the customers and to provide better services to them. These steps will help the restaurants and bars in retaining the existing customers (Rachet, 2014). Threat of New Entrants: Another effect of increasing the competition in the restaurants and bar industry is the increasing number of new restaurants and bars. One of the reasons is that this particular industry does not require any high level of investment (Tauman, Weiss Zhao, 2015). On the other hand, there is not nay requirement for obtaining any kind of patents from the government to carry on the business. All these reasons contribute to a large number of new entrants in the industry. Here also the managers of the restaurants and bars need to formulate some strategies so that the new entrants cannot affect their business. The managers need to make a strong customers base with their high quality products and efficient services which will be tough to break for the new entrant. On the other hand, the managers need to establish a strong network of suppliers. There should be innovation in the products of the existing companies so that it becomes hard for the new entrants to enter in t he restaurants and bars industry (Akhter, Rahman, Rahman, 2014). Threat of Substitutes: Substitute products are those kinds of products which need the demand of the consumers but they are available in another market. This is a serious kind of threat for the restaurants and bars industry. Now-a-days, the major substitute for the restaurant is virtual or online food delivery chain or the online restaurants where people can get all the products of restaurants are a comparatively low price than the restaurants (Porter Heppelmann, 2014). There are certain factors that work behind the high threat of substitutes. In this case, the switching cost of the customers is low and the substitute product can be obtained in much lower price. On the other hand, the quality and the performance of the substitute products are equal to the actual product. Thus, to get the long term competitive advantage, the managers of restaurants and bars need to adopt a competitive price strategy that can give a fight to the substitute products. Various innovative services like hom e delivery of the foods of the restaurants, complimentary gifts with the products of the restaurants and bars and others can help them in retaining the existing customers and also can help them to attract new customers (Magretta, 2013). Bargaining Power of the Suppliers: Every business organization needs suppliers to get the required law material for the business. In restaurant and bar industry, various kind of raw materials are required. Bargaining power of suppliers refers to when all the suppliers of an industry can influence the price and availability of the products (Heimeshoff Klein, 2013). There are various factors that can increase the suppliers power. The Power of the suppliers increases when the price of the products can be increased without affecting the demand. When there is a few number of suppliers available in a particular industry, the suppliers become able to increase or decrease the price of the products. Thus, the managers of restaurants and bars need to adopt perfect strategies to avoid this kind of situation. This is the utmost responsibility of the managers to maintain a cordial relationship with the suppliers. Long term competitive advantage can be gained when there is sufficient number of su pplier available in that industry. However, there is not any control over the number of suppliers by the managers of that industry. Hence, it can be concluded that there should not be any monopoly in the suppliers market for long term competitive advantage for the companies (Haucap et al., 2013). Bargaining Power of the Customers: Bargaining power of the customers refers to when the customers have the power to influence the price of the products. It can be observed that there are a lot of customers in the restaurant and bar industry. Certain reasons contribute to increase the bargaining power of the customers. The first reason is that the existence of substitute products in the market. The customers can influence the price of the products when they have choices over the products (Fabbri Klapper, 2015). Another reason is the low switching cost. Customers dominates the price of products when the switching cost of is low. Other reasons are the low differentiation of the products, high price sensitivity of customers, high knowledge of customers about the products and many more. Thus, the managers of restaurants and bars should be able to introduce different kind of products with reasonable price. On the other hand, they should maintain a healthy relationship with the customers ( Ahern, 2012). Overall, they need to make an effective strategy in order to gain the long term competitive advantage. The product of a bar or a restaurant should be different from the other and only then the industry can increase revenue and profitability. VRIO Analysis VRIO theory or VRIO framework is considered as one of the most useful tools to assess a businesss internal resources and capabilities and to determine that whether they will be able to sustain the long term competitive advantage of the company. VRIO stands for Valuable, Rare, Costly to Imitate and Organization (Barney and Hesterly, 2006). These aspects are discussed below: Valuable: The first aspect of the VRIO framework is value that is whether the firm is able to add value by exploiting the opportunities. The resources which creates value to the organization is called the valuable resources of the organization and these resources contributes to give the firm the long term competitive advantage. On the other hand, the resources which do not add value to the organization is called the invaluable resources and they leads to the firm to competitive disadvantage. It is important to review the valuable resources of the organization (Chapman, 2012). Rare: The second aspect of the VRIO framework is rare resources. Rare resources refers to the resources which can only be obtained by the one company or for a very few companies. These resources can give any organization the necessary long term competitive advantage (Grnig Khn, 2015). On the contrary, the resources which can be acquired by a lot of companies can lead to long term competitive parity. However, the companies should, not ignore the common resources which have comparative parity, as they are valuable for the companies. The companies should take great care of the rare resources as they are the valuable resources of the company. Costly to Imitate: The third factor in the VRIO framework is imitation. As per this model, it is costly to imitate the rare product of a firm of the company do not have the access to that particular resource. It is easy for the firm that has rare resources to achieve the long term competitive advantage (Knott, 2015). There are few types of resources that are rare to imitate like the resources that were created due to any historical events; the resources that were created due to the cultural and interpersonal relationships of the company and others. Organized to Capture Value: The last aspect of VRIO framework is to organize the resources. The resources are not of any work if the company does not organize to capture the value. It is the responsibility of the company to manage the process, system and policies in order to exploit the opportunities of the firm. The companies can gain long term competitive advantage if they can organize the valuable and rare resources of the company. These are the main four attributes of the VRIO framework (Albrecht et al., 2016). In case of the restaurant and bar industry, the mangers should apply the theory of VRIO in order to gain the necessary long term competitive advantage. In order to do so, the managers of restaurants and bars need to follow certain steps. They are discussed under: Step 1: In this step, the managers need to identify the valuable and rare resources of the restaurants and bars. Tangible assets like machinery, building, land and others can easily be obtained. However, intangible assets like goodwill, intellectual property and others are not easy to obtain. Hence the manager need to find out the activities which can lower the cost without decreasing the value of the customers; the activities which inverses the value of the product; the employees having high level of skills; the unique selling proposition of the restaurant and bar and many others. After that, it needs to be found that which resources are rare in the organization and the resources which are costly for other companies to imitate (Lin et al., 2012). Step 2: After the identification of the valuable, rare and costly to imitate resources, the managers of the restaurants and bars need to find out the ways by which they can exploit these resources to gain long term competitive advantage. The resources will be of no value if they are not exploited for the use of the company. Along with this, the mangers need to find out some more factors like whether the company has enough motivation and reward system, whether the culture of the organization support organizational innovation or not, whether the organization has the suitable structure to use the valuable and rare resources or not and many others (HUSSAIN Terziovski, 2016). Step 3: The very next step for the managers is to take initiatives in order to protect the valuable and rare resources. The first thing the managers of the restaurants and bars need to do is to make the management aware about the valuable and rare resources. After that, the managers need to suggest the management the ways by which the resources can be used to minimize the cost of the operations. Lastly, the managers need to think that how the resources can be made more rare and more costly to imitate (Mathur, Jugdev Shing Fung, 2013). Step 4: The last step for the managers is to review the resources on a daily basis as value of the resources are changed over a particular basis. The competitors will be trying to imitate the resources and for this reason, review on a regular basis is required (Mudambi Puck, 2016). Conclusion From the whole study so far, it can be observed that there are two theories that can help the managers of restaurants and bars to earn the long term competitive advantage. They are Porters Five Forces Model and VRIO Framework. As per Porters Five Forces Model, there are five major factors that can decide the competitiveness in a particular industry. As per Porters theory, the managers of restaurants and bars need to make an effective strategy to get competitive edge. They must set a competitive price, must establish strong distribution channels, should maintain a cordial relationship with the customers and should provide better services to the customers in order to get the long term competitive advantage. Another important theory for competition is the VRIO Framework. As per this framework, there are some valuable, rare and costly to imitate resources in the organization. In order to get the long term competitive advantage, the managers of bars and restaurants first need to identify the valuable, rare and costly to imitate resources and then they need to use them to get increase the productivity of the organization. After that, these valuable and rare resources need to be reviewed on a regular basis. On the basis of the whole study, it can be concluded that the managers of bars and restaurants needs to assess Porters Five Forces Model and VRIO Framework to formulate strategies in order to get the long term competitive advantage. 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